Sunday, November 04, 2007 at 1:05 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
It's our 2nd Anniversary!
that was more than 2 yrs ago....
it's been 2 yrs baby. happy anniversary. at this moment, i remember all the good, and forget the bad. bad times, we will overcome them. good times, we will cherish them. all these pictures are memories. it's nice to look through and see how we have grown up together. how we've seen each other through the many odds. you've seen me through many transitions in my life. from poly, out to work, back to school and till now. im glad you din give up on me, din give up on our r/s. it's a special bond we share that keep us close together. just wanna let you know..
i love you and thank you for loving me.
in my past..
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okay. the previous entry was posted in anger. we'v...
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It's all about Baby Javelle, Steph mummy & Shawn D...
baby javelle is HERE!!i was sleeping when i rec th...
i have the best people around me when i needed lot...
THE TIME NOW IS 7.09am.I woke up at 6am.I slept at...