Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 9:27 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
STUPID "roast duck drumstick" DAY!
the gossip folks on the way to lunch...
always on the ball to take pics!
nana and me. beeen a long time since we last took a pic tgt.
cece is so happy! yummy duck drumstick noodles!!
u know why i seemed so pek cek? and cheng looked so xian? becuz..
see the uncle in pink next to our table, slurping his soup? he is the reason why we so irritated and pissed. me and cece ordered roasted duck drumstick noodles. when it came, cece exclaimed "woah! our yummy duck drumstick!" den the uncle stared at our plates, and started scolding the waitress. apparently the waitress told the uncle no more duck drumstick. then the uncle went on and on how unfair it is, and threatened to get WAN BAO to report on their bad service. ya da ya da....i really want to give my drumstick to the uncle to shut him up..during the whole lunch, he din stop complaining. spoilt our lunch.

and i bought this pink little cutie bag from COTTON ON. guess how much? $5 bucks can!! thanks cheng for the intro!! hee
the colour of the bag is SO sarahdee. haha. i love. i thot it din suit me, but turned out niceeeee.
we dressed alike today. we never "ba-gak" ok. mirror-image. black top, floral skirt, cotton-on mini bag and our m)phosis black slippers. 

our one hr lunch break was up. got to ruN!
nana was our photographer. me and cheng, the models. and cece? stand there like ah lian, waiting for us. haha

nana really lost alot of weight. she is so tiny now.
cece's bday present. advanced bday present for her.
cece mummy. hope u like the present we got for u. me and cheng thot it was very CECILIA style.
haven seen cindy jie jie in a long time! thanks for the lemon tea. and her wedding pictures are out!! the album very artistic. small and sweeet.
shit day at work. sometimes, a little "sweet nothings" will spice up the stale and "too-stable" r/s.
//baby, i love you. you have been sweeet. looking forward to our xmas shopping for our family, friends and loved ones!! muacks.//
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