Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 6:03 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Lunch Khakis!
zebra crossing?? he's so dark. im so fair. so he came up with this idea!
our dressing so matching today hor? never "pakak" one leh.
in my past..
at this hour. suddenly i became very moody again.O...=( 2 more projects to go! so tired. got back HRM i...
the little girls came over! xaria was so excited t...
79 words Speed test"328 points, so you achieved po...
at this hour. i am feeling extremely hungry.how? i...
Hmmmmmmm... i bought myself this cute little rabbi...
FINALLY...a relaxing day! a tai-tai-relaxing time....
Just so random.i don't feel happy.i feel very upse...
Condition Update... the rashes on my arm...my digi...
Pills Popping! look at all the pills!!! popping th...