Just so random.

i don't feel happy.
i feel very upset.
since last night.
there's no one in particular.
nothing in particular.
i am just feeling very sad and depressed.
and even angry at times.
issit the constant popping of pills that's causing this?
or issit the late nights, and the load of assignments?
i don't know.

all i have are these questions in mind.
"Do i have any regrets on the decisions that I have made thus far in my life?"
"Will i be making any decisions for my future, that i may regret?"
"Even if i feel it is the right decision now, may not be the right decision in the future. How?"

sigh. i feel envy. i feel jealous. of others.
do others feel jealous, and envious of me too?
loosely translated.."you see me good, i see you good."

in my past..

Condition Update... the rashes on my arm...my digi...
Pills Popping! look at all the pills!!! popping th...
I KENA "SNAKE"? this is just one patch of the MANY...
i am feeling extremely moody, pissed off, tired, s...
Schoool day... alvin took this artistic shot. tryi...
Yet another sunday together. this is me. all dress...
Happy Happenings! thanks to mummy and daddy's cont...
Crazy times in school (pictures stolen from Ms. Ac...
WHY WHY WHY?why must we be the ones who always ini...