this is just one patch of the MANY PATCHES of rashes i have. i kena on my chest, neck, back and arm. fucking itchy. throughout my finance test yest, i kept praying faster finish, so i can go see doc. doc said most prob i kena SNAKE!! siao liao. luckily not contagious, those who came in contact with me, DONT WORRY ok! then how....bu mei le. keep very itchy all over. but cannot scratch, later scar. sigh. feels like chicken pox u know! =(
i feel bad that i couldnt join the girls last night for MJ's surprise farewell supper. hope you girls had fun and hope MJ gave the SURPRISE look u girls have been craving for. gigglez. hope i get well sooooon cuz i have LOADS of shit to do...

in my past..

i am feeling extremely moody, pissed off, tired, s...
Schoool day... alvin took this artistic shot. tryi...
Yet another sunday together. this is me. all dress...
Happy Happenings! thanks to mummy and daddy's cont...
Crazy times in school (pictures stolen from Ms. Ac...
WHY WHY WHY?why must we be the ones who always ini...
Just changed my blog song and blog heading. my all...
Stolen pictures!! baby celeste. abt 2 weeks old th...
guess what? my digi cam finally died on me after 5...