Schoool day...

alvin took this artistic shot. trying out my new cam..

trying to use the MACRO...but it turned out shitty.

alvin! haven seen him in quite a long time. nice meeting up for lunch. and thanks for the canon. =)

After school...

at thomson medical! visiting cindy jie jie!

congratulations cindy and ricky! on the arrival of your baby girl charlene!

so much hair hor! cute. she arrived on 2 sept 2008, at 0823hrs. weighs 3.005kg. =)

proud daddy and proud mummy! take care cindy jie jie. u did a great job! see ya on baby's first month! ;)

in my past..

Yet another sunday together. this is me. all dress...
Happy Happenings! thanks to mummy and daddy's cont...
Crazy times in school (pictures stolen from Ms. Ac...
WHY WHY WHY?why must we be the ones who always ini...
Just changed my blog song and blog heading. my all...
Stolen pictures!! baby celeste. abt 2 weeks old th...
guess what? my digi cam finally died on me after 5...
Another 1500 more words to go! About 5-6 more page...
Jasmine in a TUBE dress.... ...