5) FLUFF the bear up. sort of "bathe" for the bear.
5) dress up!! there are so many many clothes/costumes/shoes/accessories/handbags, etc for your bear!!! can try on before buying. this pinky one. it's not moley's style leh...
what abt this? i love. love at first sight!! u see the shoes!! the fat little feet seemed so tight in the shoes!!!
yay! the birth-cert is ready.
7) bring your lovely bear home!! LANA is coming home with me. i love LANA to bits. so cute my god. so soft. so fluffy. it's made with all my love and effort! stayed in the shop for abt an hr. the staff at suntec outlet are really friendly. u shld go there! =)
cute little thing.
SURPRISE for MOLEY today...
the four of us who attended class today...
see the LANA so previleged. get to "STEP" inside my LV bag with her shoes on ok.
LANA is given by me, val, jernice, stephie, wenqi and van.
in my past..
Lunch Khakis! my dearest alvin!!! signature megawa...at this hour. suddenly i became very moody again.O...
=( 2 more projects to go! so tired. got back HRM i...
the little girls came over! xaria was so excited t...
79 words Speed test"328 points, so you achieved po...
at this hour. i am feeling extremely hungry.how? i...
Hmmmmmmm... i bought myself this cute little rabbi...
FINALLY...a relaxing day! a tai-tai-relaxing time....
Just so random.i don't feel happy.i feel very upse...
Condition Update... the rashes on my arm...my digi...