cooked breakfast today! ENglish breakfast styLE...there was baCon, haM, toast bRead, Sunny-siDE-uP, sausages, MushrOOOm SoUp, tEa...deLiciOUS! i realised that i LOOoove to cooK for PPle...but i dun lk to taste my own weiRD...hmm...thot my suNNy-siDe-Up was shitty today...haha..but i got praises from sis, mum and darling...haha...*ProUD*
hope everyone enjoyed their breakfast today! =) oH! and the baCon was damN salty even after i "washed" it...haha...couldnt seem to "Wash" away the saltiNesS!

bad sat though...sigh...anyway, shant talk abt it...shaLL list my busy schedule this weeeK...

MOn: stay bacK afTEr scH to do mBS revieW 2.
TuEs: leSSOn tiLL late...(i guess)
Wed: fieLD triP witH evaN...
thURs: leSSOn tiLL late...which is 6pm! shittified.
Fri: i hope i can resT...*wONDErz*

//i wanNa waLk doWN tHE aisLe.In thAt beaUtifuL goWn.witH yoOou.//

in my past..

FINALLY! one load lighter! done with my online ref...
aiYO!!! i went to sch for 1/2 an hr today!!! haha....
goSh..did my CDS video filming...damn funny canz? ...
my little lump on my hand is getting worst...hurts...
OucCChh....the mosquitoe bites are itching again! ...
urGGH! last nite at 3am..i was woken up by a BIG F...
went to sentosa today with darling..finally able t...
gotta reply all msges on my tag.... *xueting: hey...
hmmm...i do agree with wad steff had said on the t...
sometimes, i really wonder how couples survive for...