baby did the sweetest thing today!! he sent me a MMS of himself before work. gigglez. sucha sweetie. ive been quite moody since yesterday. den i asked him to take note abit. haha. cuz i need ATTENTION!!!!! hahahaha.

"You, me & Dupree" is super funny. haha. must watch!

been seeing baby for the past two days. but it was just for a short while. oh well. better than nothing.

right, boss just said that no one is allowed to go on leave in nov. everyone will have a chance to do OT. good la. baby is away in jakarta, den i got nth to now is the time for me to earn money!

gonna miss baby so badly. do i sound a lit' too bitchy and whiny? haha. wadever.

did i mention i pass baby his bday present last week? haha. it's a marshall's guitar AMP!!!!
so blooody heavy can? den i wrapped it up with lotsa magazine pages. ahahhaa. at first, baby thot it was xbox? den...he guessed OVEN!? hahahah. in e end, in the middle of dinnertime, he said.."baby! i it guitar amp?". muhahah. i nearly choked. cuz i wanted him to only open on his bday. haha.

in my past..

im having a fuck day at work. lalalala. stupid bit...
fucking shit day at work yesterday. CATV outage. i...
im having stiff neck. =( think been slping in the ...
=( need to do OT today. until 9pm. damn tiring leh...
great weekend!on fri, caught miami vice tgt with b...
i feel sick. =( din have dinner yest. den gastric....
watched "The Pulse" yesterday. freaking scary. dam...
have been very busy at work lately. by the time i ...
did i mention that my first bike ride was abt one ...
1. Do the following WITHOUT complains2. Choose 5 p...