Im feeling kinda emotional right now.
Because my mum asked me to accompany my grandma as much as possible.
After doc diagnosed her with Bone degeneration, she became very depressed.
Kept saying she's going to leave us and all that.
so my aunty brought her to raffles hospital for a check.
Found out not only bone degeneration, but her spinal cord "cracked".
so it's painful for her to even sit up right.
she's been lying down on bed all day since then.
sleeping almost the whole day away. which is unlike her.
cuz she used to be very hyper, going to the market, gossip, excercise with those old friends, etc.
but now, all she could do was lie on bed.
that makes her even more miserable.
went to see her yesterday with baby, but same thing, she was sound asleep.
so din want to disturb her at all.
today, i will be home after work to accompany her.
and my mum told me that last night, grandma and sister cried like mad together.
cuz grandma asked my sister to be good, and not be a psychopath anymore.
and asked her to take care of herself and all that.
then my sis started to cry, saying that if my grandma were to go, she will go with her.
aiyo. very drama. luckily i not there. if not, i would have burst into tears too.
anyway, i really wish my grandma can see me get married, have kids and all that.
im sure my grandma will sayang and pamper my kids alot, like how she pampered all her grandchildren.
i really hope she can get well and be happier.
but if she is not happy now and feeling miserable....maybe. i dunno. we cant be selfish and let her suffer too.
i know for the past one week, i was trying to avoid this, dun want to get emotional and all that.
now, i realised, all i can do is show her how much she means to us, and that we love her alot.
so i will be heading down to "made with love" later to get materials and do her a little scrapbook. and i am going to get all the grandchildren to do it, including the youngest. will call them later..

- i love my ah ma. she loves me and cooks for us all the time. it's time we sayang her back and treat her like a queen. -

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