sorry for the lack of updates.
been busy with my first paper, SO.
one down, 3 more to go.
tired. woke up at 6am and went to sch this morning for some last min memorising.

today was cory's ah gong funeral.
i feel bad that i couldnt turn up due to my exam.

and my ah gong is supposed to be admitted to Raffles Hospital today.
guess what? he's like a little boy.
he's scared and last min, he refused to go.
no one has the right to force him.
ultimately, it's his decision.
he doesnt want to go through a major op at this age.
so we respect his decision and hope he will be healthy for a long time.

tmr will be another studying day.
body is feeling very tired.
brain is like shrinking.

Brand's chicken essence is my only saviour. haha...

will be busy preparing my next 2 papers, which fall on the same day.
bear with me.
interesting updates whenever i can.


in my past..

Mugging Friday. glynis wrote this for the libraria...
baby's ah gong passed away peacefully this morning...
i was feeling damn hungry.cuz i hate only one sand...
sigh. my heart is feeling heavy.there's many thing...
From Glynis's Cam..... with wei hao. he's always b...
Food time. havelock road's bah kut teh. total dama...
Mugging Wednesday. zq looking so damn fair here. o...
thank u to my dear friends, relatives and readers ...
At Aw's Condo. steph and javelle. cindy and charle...
Another batch of Friday's pics.. wing with me. for...