From Glynis's Cam.
with wei hao. he's always been very helpful. =) about school stuffs. got any test results or extra notes, he will inform us.

we are going lunch!!

opps! candid!!

din go school today. cuz my khaki wanna watch soccer and cannot wake up. decided to stay home today and sleep late. just woke up not long ago. mugging is tiring. sigh. gonna cook some lunch and study! jiayou everyone!!

in my past..

Food time. havelock road's bah kut teh. total dama...
Mugging Wednesday. zq looking so damn fair here. o...
thank u to my dear friends, relatives and readers ...
At Aw's Condo. steph and javelle. cindy and charle...
Another batch of Friday's pics.. wing with me. for...
Mugging Friday. FULL DAY! he's so tall. can eat me...
Lonely day in school. it's me, myself and i.MC te...
Me & my Mushroom.. brought my pink little mushroom...
Another "MUGGING" day in Sch..early morning, xh ca...
Old Airport Hawker. hmmm. my all time fave dessert...