Mugging Wednesday.

zq looking so damn fair here.

our hand-fans, thanks to 8days!
the lib is getting stuffier and warmer as the days go by..that's why we need hand-fan!

act like geisha!

my khaki.

so umglam my face. but it's ok. trying to check if xh has got nice hard abs.

glynis and zq playing some "fanning" game.

see how excited she is!

chiochio car tissue-box.

lucky huang shang with two mei rens. haha...

whose leg so much hair?

wah! my new hairstyle. chio not?

nice!! I LOVE!!

like small girl hairstyle. haha.

then xh took my cam, and started to take himself. haha.

then i turned ard, and spotted someone sitting like that!!!
opps. another pose. haha.

now my turn to try weihao's abs. quite hard. haha. opps. today all my face is UNGLAM. cuz i hate mugging. makes me old!!!

xh's turn to be unglam! haha.

two bugs bunny nerds. hahaha...SO UGLY!!!

some bloggers only post their glamourous pictures. but i dun mind posting some unglam pictures too! u need a balance of both sometimes.
i am so tired from mugging. then...i received an email from iris, Ettusais's Marketing Exec. The ambassadors have been invited to a location at holland V for a surprise gathering!! stay tune to find out more!! i am so excited!!!!

in my past..

thank u to my dear friends, relatives and readers ...
At Aw's Condo. steph and javelle. cindy and charle...
Another batch of Friday's pics.. wing with me. for...
Mugging Friday. FULL DAY! he's so tall. can eat me...
Lonely day in school. it's me, myself and i.MC te...
Me & my Mushroom.. brought my pink little mushroom...
Another "MUGGING" day in Sch..early morning, xh ca...
Old Airport Hawker. hmmm. my all time fave dessert...
A little gift. from my fave cousin - dawn. she bou...
i just received a call from a private no. me: Hell...