sigh. my heart is feeling heavy.
there's many things on my mind.

firstly, exams are just round the corner.
and i am feeling super stressed.
notes seem to be neverending.
and time is running out for memorising.

secondly, baby's grand-dad is not feeling too good.
doc asked the family to be prepared.
we have yet to visit him yet.

thirdly, my aunty's mother-in-law has been warded in ICU.
it's been 3 days, still in ICU.
hope she will be fine.

and lastly, my ah gong needs to go for a heart surgery.
scheduled tuesday, the earliest.
and i have SO paper on tues. sigh.
there will be 2 ops to be done.
heart surgery is a serious matter.
and he has had 1 previous heart attack, and prone to stroke.
we are very worried.
but doc advised us that he MUST go ahead with the op.
no delays. no rescheduling.
it's gonna be done by doc. Chan and at raffles hospital.
i pray that all will go smoothly.

sigh. exams till may 11.
so many things are happening.
i dun have much time on hand.
i hope i dun screw my exams up.

sigh. feeling so down. and stressed. =(

in the end, i din stay at home.
went to school today.
thanks to glynis, i had a seat.
tmr is another long day.
hopefully, it will be a productive day.

in my past..

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