i just put aside one hour to complete my "another commitment".
i cannot imagine what would have happened if i agreed to take on the MISS GLOWING PINK competition.
i will definitely suffocate from all the deadlines. luckily i rejected the offer.

started on my IME revision.
feel kinda stupid cuz i totally dun understand topic 7.
sigh. so decided to revise from chapter 1.
tried doing mock exam.
got stuck at qns 3.
pathetic me.
shldnt have majored FINANCE!

hopefully tmr i manage to type out all my MP notes.
left 4 more chaps. then sat, i will head to sch to print.
then do some IME revision.

i have NO LIFE for the past 2 weeks!!
(no, wait! MORE THAN THAT! for this entire SEMESTER i had NO LIFE! cuz of my stupid proj deadlines remember?)

oh, sth funny to share.
xh got a shock of his life today when he saw my MP3.
he laughed so hard till his face turned red.
cuz my mp3 belongs to the DINOSAUR ERA.
& the songs inside, never change.
still DINOSAUR SONGS. haha.
i use it to listen to my fave 98.7FM ok!

haha! 6yrs and COUNTING hor!
still serving me well. (i dun like to spend money on electronic gadgets. but i dun mind spending money on pretty bags! haha.)

zq said my MP3 can be qualified to be placed at the museum.
but he has no right to laugh at me.
cuz his mp3 is also 6 years and counting.
ANCIENT time one ok.
looks like a pager. WOAHAHA...

next time i free, i take picture and show u all!!
my dad bought for me one leh. at $129 at that time.
sentimental value.

the xh yaya papaya.
he is currently using iPOD - 16GB.
my DINOSAUR MP3 is 256MB.


in my past..

sorry for the lack of updates.been busy with my fi...
Mugging Friday. glynis wrote this for the libraria...
baby's ah gong passed away peacefully this morning...
i was feeling damn hungry.cuz i hate only one sand...
sigh. my heart is feeling heavy.there's many thing...
From Glynis's Cam..... with wei hao. he's always b...
Food time. havelock road's bah kut teh. total dama...
Mugging Wednesday. zq looking so damn fair here. o...
thank u to my dear friends, relatives and readers ...
At Aw's Condo. steph and javelle. cindy and charle...