counting down to the last hours of 2009, i hearby announce that i am proud what i have achieved for this year and i am ready to embrace 2010!!!!

Greatest achievements for 2009:
- selected to be 1 of the brand ambassadors for Ettusais
- completed my degree
- saved enough money to go HK with my baby!!

i believe i will get an amazing job next year! it's just a matter of time and luck.
no new year's resolution this year because i am pretty sure i wont fulfill them.
so we will just go with the flow and see what is in store for me/us!

may all of you be blessed with a great 2010! good health, plenty of wealth, fantastic job and loads of happiness.


p/s: thanks to my "still-uncomfortable" stomach, i will be staying at home and watch the countdown on tv! plus, keep my fingers glued to the keypad for Frenchfleurs crazy midnights sales!!!! =)

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