I hope to get a new laptop in 2010!! my LG laptop has been with me since I started uni. it's been nearly 3 years. the battery life sucks big time, it's heavy to bring around and it's huge!!
Was browsing online for a suitable laptop model and found THIS!!!

TOSHIBA PORTÉGÉ T130 series (comes in 3 lovely colours). the latest model!!!


SO SLIM! So sleeek!

The battery life for this lasts up to 11 hours!! Super long right? it can save me the trouble of bringing the power adaptor and finding plugs!! My current pathetic laptop's battery life lasts only about 3-4 hours when it was still new. I had to bring the power adaptor to school! so heavy! imagine carrying the laptop bag, notes, textbooks, waterbottle, etc...my shoulder almost got dislocated!


This outstanding model weighs about 1.58kg (depending on configurations)! HOW LIGHT! my current LG weighs 2.6kg? heavy like mad.
Oooooh. i love the RED!!! so glamourous!!


The white is chic too! Super stylish!.

I'm amazed that this painlessly-light notebook has 3D Hard Drive Protection! The system prepares the drive head for impact (free falls, shock or vibration). So all the important data will be well protected! =)

To get hold of this pretty little thing, I have 4 options.
1) Emerge the WINNER for our Ettusais Ambassador Contest 2009 where the winner gets S$3000 cash & the above model.
(slim chance because the rest of the girls deserve this too!)
2) Play "Tokyo Time Warp" (scroll down) by Toshiba on Facebook and hopefully, be the Top 3 gamers with the highest qualifying point!


4) Wish for it to be a gift! haha..dream on!

a super cute game created by Toshiba!! you are required to be strong, smart, quick, charming, oh-so fabulous and willing to travel (back and forth in time!) to play this game.

there are 100 Exciting Prizes (1st-3rd prize is the Toshiba Portege T130) to be won by the TOP PLAYERS!

There are 5 characters to choose from. They are created based on - Agility, Strength, Concentration, Style and Charm.

1) NINJA!!! (Agility)

Agile and quick! Not much for words and would rather let their actions do the talking! so coool!

2) KAWAII! (Style)

Fun, trendy and always look amazing! cute!

3) SAMURAI! (Strength)

Honourable warrior! Mighty muscle machine!! Can easily overcome most tests of strength!

4) OTAKU (Concentration)

Obsessed with technology, manga and video games! Known for maintaining concentration!

5) GEISHA! (Charm)

Has potent charms that can sway opponents like no other character can!!!

Main page for the game after u have chosen your character, customise their look and give it a name!

As you can see, mine is a RED NINJA (left hand corner).

Scroll over these buildings (E.g. Harajuku, Imperial Palace, Braddzilla Island, Hanayashi, Akihabara, Toshiba, Tokyo Dome, Intel) and select the location you want to go.

Being the girly me, i chose Harajuku Station. But i forgot my character is NINJA! Agility is his strength! not Style! =( I'm sure KAWAII will excel in this station!

Ninja has to be the FASHION POLICE! The aim of this station is for the player to match the clothes, hairstyles and accessories of the Harajuku Station crowd correctly. More style means higher chance of success.

Results: I LOST THE GAME!!!


Ninja only managed to gain 30 style points. DAMN! try again!!

remember to try other buildings, find out which one suits your character the best and keep gaining points from there! all about tactics and strategies!

if you nieces/nephews or young cousins love playing games, this holiday is a chance to let them have fun! some of these young kids are really good, so they can help you GAIN POINTS! woahaha...

Get-together Early Xmas Dinner

we were told that there's a QUIZ! Sher reading out the questions to us. 10 qns, 1 winner!! it was about "how well u know Ettusais".

our pretty winner, CHRISTINE! she only had 1 wrong answers, the rest of us had 2! lucky girl won the tote bag!

the girls looked so serious and attentive here. i wondered what regine was telling them!

our Ettusais Mascots - duckie!




jeanine's camera is so good! look at the quality of this pic!

3 of us. =)

the "ok-only" sirloin steak at Greenhouse Cafe, 313 Somerset. Service was poor because our orders got mixed up and we had to wait very long for our food. The ventilation was also bad in the restaurant. But the concept of the restaurant is good.

jeanine, the capable blogshop owner of Frenchfleurs. she won the "Most Print-worthy Blog".

Regine and her award. Zoe looking very happy for her good friend!

Holly, our "IT CHICK"!

This belongs to Christine. So thoughtful of Sher to minimise our newsletters and stick it on the award!


The girls commented that it wasnt surprising that I won this - Ettusais Biggest Fan. haha..thank u, i am honoured. "I LOVE ETTUSAIS!!!"


Time to try out the Tokyo Time Warp!


Thank you girls for this wonderful 1 year journey together as Ettusais Ambassadors.


It's been an amazing 2009 for me! After becoming the brand ambassador for Ettusais, I have yet again, widen my social circle and made friends with many outstanding individuals! Many good things have happened to me ever since this contest started during the start of the year. Not only I get to appear on CLEO twice, but my blog also gained some popularity, thanks to the collaboration between CLEO and Ettusais. And I'm glad to be able to share many good products (e.g. Skincare/makeup) with my gfs and blog readers in this space.

Active responses on my tagboard are always appreciated. I try my best to respond asap too. It was not easy having to juggle with school and this contest. DEADLINES DEADLINES DEADLINES. I always have fun with my ettusais girls! Even though with some of the girls, we only became closer at the end of this year, but I'm sure after this has ended, we will still be in contact!! =) It was fun attending workshops together, press events and also small gatherings during product collection. I love the fact that are always camera ready and all of us love taking pictures! OUR COMMON INTEREST! haha.

Im feeling sad that this has to come to an end. I do not know what is in store of us next year (e.g. opportunity for renewal of contract or a brand new ambassador programme), but I do know that I will continue to love and support Ettusais like I always do. Thank you Ettusais, for giving me this great opportunity to be part of your family. =)

in my past..

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