i am so sad that i missed out on all the great fun at banana's birthday party last night.
zouk zouk zouk. dance, drink, fag, take pics, toilet, puke, etc. haha. SO FUN LA!
i was at home, watching vcd with my mum again. two of us laughed so much tgt.
happy that i have been spending loads of quality time with my mum this week. =)

anyway, my sis and i are getting our new wardrobe this week for CNY!!!! -dance around-
finally we get to change our COLLAPSING wardrobe after SO MANY GAZILLION years!
it's a super chio one ok! went round to the neighbourhood shop at bukit merah lane.
the lao ban niang (lady boss) was super kind and friendly.
she knew my mum was sincere in buying, and decided to let us bargain.
and we get the price we wanted! for THAT design and wood material (solid wood), it costs about S$1.6k at IKEA, v.hive and barang barang.
sliding door, very big and spacious. LOVE IT.
but we definitely bought it at a much lower rate.

did i mention, i have the best aunties in the world?
aunty no.2 bought me a set of Parker pens with my name engraved on them.
she wants me to have a good career and can use the pens to sign important documents.
how sweet can she be. and she wrote me a very meaningful card too.

i am just into the first chapter of Jane Green's "Life Swap" and i couldnt stop reading. this book is interesting from the beginning.

in my past..

counting down to the last hours of 2009, i hearby ...
we took turns to get food poisoning.first mummy, t...
almost every taxi that i board, the uncles will cr...
i am currently reading a great book by Mitch Albom...
i am so pissed off now. someone on msn just said i...
i am craving for doublecheese burger now. and some...
Ettusais Girls' Day Out!!!...we reached at 1pm, an...
omg. i have been busy like a bumble bee since last...
yay! so happy!!my pretty dresses have arrived.from...
like my new blogskin? i love it!!!thanks to ZX, my...